An expert International Advisory Panel, convened under the auspices of COSA generated these universal indicators that are pragmatic, precise, and easy to adopt. They give farmers, managers and policymakers clarity while reducing data costs for the sector overall.
These indicators are aligned by COSA with global norms such as international agreements, normative references, multilateral guidelines and the SDGs. They ensure comparability and benchmarking across regions or countries, making it easier to uncover performance and assess impact.
Total days of paid and unpaid labor used to produce coffee
Permanent labor in coffee production (worker-days)
Short-term labor in coffee production (worker-days)
Family labor in coffee production (worker-days)
Total cost of full time and part time paid labor to produce coffee, and opportunity cost for unpaid labor
Total cost of permanent labor in coffee production (USD)
Total cost of short-term labor in coffee production (USD)
Opportunity costs of labor in coffee production (USD)
Amount paid for fertilizers--synthetic and natural--used on coffee.
Amount paid for insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides--synthetic and natural--that are used on coffee
Cost for seedlings, planting/grafting materials, etc. for coffee
Amount deducted by the buyer from coffee payments
Costs for purchasing or producing energy for the farm related to cultivation, harvesting, or post-harvesting activities (electricity, gasoline, LPG, diesel, solar, wind, hydropower, wood from forests, prunings, managed woodlot, etc.)
Costs for renting, maintaining irrigation equipment; costs for water, if any
Assets fall into the following categories that are further sub-divided into classes based on size: 1. Cultivation (sprayers, machetes, nursery, irrigation, etc.) 2. Post-harvest (mill, storage, dryer) 3. Transport (trucks or other transportation equipment) 4. Management (computers or other office equipment) 5. Housing and/or medical clinic for workers
Total cost of credit - amount paid as interest
Amount paid as rent, sharecropping, mortgage, etc.
Costs for necessary changes in cultivation practices e.g. contour planting, reforestation, conservation tillage, etc.
Costs incurred (besides labor) for record keeping and tracking inputs and practices
Specific costs associated with obtaining the certificate and audit/inspection
Training fees, time, and cost for travel
Covers two types of transportation costs: 1. Cost of the first stage of transportation that the farmer assumes for the crop to be sold and/or processed; 2. Cost of transportation related to labor or other inputs the farmer assumes
All normal fees associated with cooperative membership and with other services (e.g. storage or rental equipment) or medical and housing related services (e.g., food), or crop insurance not covered by other costs of production
Gross revenue from all sales of coffee
Total coffee harvested per hectare
Average of sales price(s) received per unit of coffee; min and max prices received per unit of coffee
Coffee revenue, other crop revenue, income from providing services (training, nurseries, land & equipment rental, etc.)
Combined revenue from coffee sales, other crops, other earnings (off farm employment, on-farm services provided, business revenue, and land & equipment rental), and gifts & remittances
Total days of paid and unpaid labor used to produce coffee
Permanent labor in coffee production (worker-days)
Short-term labor in coffee production (worker-days)
Family labor in coffee production (worker-days)
Total cost of full time and part time paid labor to produce coffee, and opportunity cost for unpaid labor
Total cost of permanent labor in coffee production
Total cost of short-term labor in coffee production
Opportunity costs of family labor in coffee production
Amount paid for fertilizers--synthetic and natural--used on coffee
Amount paid for insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides--synthetic and natural--that are used on coffee
Cost for seedlings, planting/grafting materials, bags, shade materials, etc. for coffee
Amount deducted by the buyer from coffee payments
Costs for purchasing or producing energy for the farm related to the crop (electricity, gasoline, LPG, diesel, solar, wind, hydropower, wood from forests, prunings, managed woodlot, etc.)
Costs for operating, renting, maintaining irrigation equipment; costs for water, if any
Assets fall into the following categories: 1. Cultivation (sprayers, machetes, nursery, irrigation, etc.) 2. Post-harvest (mill, storage, dryer) 3. Transport (trucks or other transportation equipment) 4. management (computers or other office equipment) 5. Housing and/or medical services for workers
Total cost of credit - amount paid as interest
Amount paid as rent, sharecropping, mortgage, etc.
Costs for necessary changes in cultivation practices e.g. contour planting, reforestation, conservation tillage, etc.
Costs incurred (besides labor) for record keeping and tracking inputs and practices
Specific costs associated with obtaining the certificate and audit/inspection
Training fees, time, and cost for travel
Covers two types of transportation costs: 1. Cost of the first stage of transportation that the farmer assumes for the crop to be sold and/or processed; 2. Cost of transportation related to labor or other inputs the farmer assumes
All normal fees associated with cooperative membership and with other services (e.g. storage or rental equipment) or medical and housing related services (e.g., food) or crop insurance not covered by other costs of production
Portion of total farm production revenue from other crops
Portion of cultivated farm area used for other crops
Number of other crops (including those intercropped with coffee) or animal products (meat, dairy, wool, honey, etc.) produced on farm for sale or for consumption
Farm revenue not related to production of crops or animal products including revenue from renting out land or equipment, services such as training, nurseries, etc.
Market information the producer reports knowing (prices buyer receives, other local prices, global prices)
Producer's understanding of the factors that affect the price they receive for coffee (quality, consistency, variety, etc.)
Producer indicates that he or she could access medium sized production loan within a reasonable time, if needed; potential source of the loan
Amount of credit received by a producer compared to the amount of credit requested (if any); terms of the loan, repayment history
Comparison of household revenue to national or World Bank poverty line or Living Income Benchmark if available; PPI score evaluation of poverty propensity
Comparison of a producer's net income per labor day to minimum wage
Producer has agricultural insurance policy in effect; terms of the policy
Food security is consistent daily physical and economic access to sufficient, nutritious, satisfying food for all household members; Days without sufficient food tracks number of days in past year that any member of household cut food consumption due to lack of food and months/times of year of comparatively less household food security
Total net income from coffee on farms managed by women compared to farms managed by men
Participation by younger adults in decision making, training, and producer organizations associated with the coffee
Producer's awareness of profit or loss from coffee production and sales
Market information the producer reports knowing (price buyer receives, other local prices, global prices)
Producer's understanding of the factors that affect the price they receive for coffee (quality, consistency, variety)
Comparison of price paid to producer for coffee to global reference price
Producer's awareness of the quality characteristics of the coffee
Producer keeps records of costs and production data
Strength of producer's forecasting that he or she will remain a professional coffee producer; strength of indication that producer would be happy if his or her children chose to become professional coffee producers
Specific product quality practices used by producer for harvesting and processing coffee
Key quality measures for coffee
Who owns the certificate or verification of standard compliance (producer, buyer, producer organization, etc.)
Number of current certifications or standards the farm holds
Premium paid or value delivered for meeting a quality standard or a certification
Portion of total coffee produced that is sold with a standard or as certified
Quantity of coffee produced per unit of input: fertilizer, pesticide, paid labor day, unpaid labor day
Revenue from sales of coffee per unit cost of input: fertilizer, pesticide, paid labor day, unpaid labor day
Intensity of women's participation in producer organization indicated by number of ways they participate (participate in meetings, vote, serve as delegate, hold executive post)
Producer's perceptions of the value obtained from specific producer organization services (marketing/price negotiation; physical services: cleaning, grading, storage, etc.; and trainings coordinated by producer organization)
Credit or other funding (advance on inputs or grants) available through the producer organization
Market information, marketing support, extension services, and processing available from producer organization to producer
Community projects coordinated through a producer organization that someone from the farm was involved in (improvements in: agricultural facilities, access to water or sewage, medical care, road or school construction, etc.)
Producer's opinion of their overall economic situation
Producer's opinion on the value of business development training programs: general perception of usefulness and indication of specific practices implemented as a direct result of training